Thursday, January 7, 2010

trader joe's withdrawal

 ~Food for thought is no substitute for the real thing.~ 
 -Walt Kelly

I have been very bitter recently. Perhaps it is the cold, cold, cold temperature outside. It might just be gearing up for another semester of hard work, yet still feeling a bit tired and run down from the last semester! However, it seems that I become most bitter when the topic of Trader Joe's comes up--furthermore, just the mention of St. Louis, Atlanta, L.A., New York, and many more cities that I know are lucky enough to possess a TJ's makes me angry.  After living near a TJ's for two years, and depending on their food selection and prices (and 2 buck chuck wine!) I feel like I can't find the same alternatives in standard grocery stores nearby.  Whole Foods does a good job, but the locations are not the most convenient, and the prices are high.

So, here's to you, you lucky TJ neighbors... take advantage of the wonderful store you have access to.  You'll miss it when it is gone!

Below is the link to the page of vegan items available at TJ's.  Many items are Carnivore friendly, which makes it quite worth the money!

And, if you happen to be near a TJ's, don't forget about this little vegan who would love some goodies brought back to her!

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