Saturday, March 17, 2012


Carnivore, Omnivore, and I moved into a new house this past summer.  It is wonderful, and we have made it "home" through some cosmetic changes.  However, when changing walls and cabinets, paint colors, ceilings, etc.... the "organization" doesn't become first priority.  Therefore, Spring Cleaning is offering a much overdo chance to make things as we want them.  Case in point: our cabinets and pantry.

If there is one thing Vegan, Carnivore, and Omnivore agree on, it is baking tasty goods!  It has been my goal to have a kitchen that "makes sense" when cooking and baking.  The ingredients should be within reach, the triangle--stove, fridge, sink--should exist, etc... 

Anyways, this was my Spring Break organizational project! I think it turned out great!

Before: I had a spice cabinet that had ziplok bags full of flour, sugar, etc... It was messy and resulted in one very unmotivated cook.  

First Step:
Pinterest happened.  Let's be real, Pinterest has been the motivation behind several projects recently.  I just come across things, and think, "Wow, that would make life easier!"  So, why not try???

I researched how I wanted my canisters labeled.  There are many chalkboard labels available, but I'm too much of a perfectionist to attempt hand writing the labels, plus I just worried about the chalk fading, rubbing off on cooking hands, etc. So, I knew I wanted permanent, and found LittleDiddy's shop full of custom made vinyl decals. Perfect!

I ordered black decals for the following items: White flour, Wheat flour, Cane sugar, Raw sugar, Brown sugar, Powdered sugar, Baking Soda, Baking Powder, Cornstarch, Marshmallows, Chocolate, and Fine Sea Salt.

I previously received four Crate and Barrel stainless canisters as a wedding gift (see brown sugar). They were $10-$25 each, depending on the size.  Since I wanted to organize everything, four would not be enough.  Tip:  Go to Hobby Lobby, go to the back of the store in crafts, and buy glass storage!  I went while glass was 50% off, and I was able to score each of my canisters for $1.75-$4.00 each! 


Applying the decals was a bit time consuming.  I ordered 12 custom made decals, and it took about 2 hours to put them all on.  However, it was worth it to move at a slow pace! I wanted them to be straight and fully stuck on. 


Here are my first 12, in order according to size:

In the cabinet: (excuse the middle board)

I think I will order more labels for my pasta, rice, beans, etc... I'm an organizing maniac!!!!


On that note, here is a [vegan] Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe.... let's get to baking!!!!

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